Left Behinds

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Friday, March 23, 2007

"Live from Bedford-Stuyvesant, the livest one / Representing BK to the fullest."

Damon Rich is giving what looks like a cool talk this upcoming Monday at Pratt.

This is what representation looks like

For architects and planners today, what does it mean to represent?
Beginning in the early 1970s, architecture as a discipline entered
into an intense examination of its means of representation. Fueled by
philosophical and semiotic theories, architects reached precipitous
heights of self-consciousness about how they represented
architecture, and even about what architecture was in the first
place. Around the same time, planners, burdened with the discredited
master plan, grew suspicious of images as responsible, or even
useful, tools of planning. In the place of the time-honored "vision,"
they set off in search of more process-oriented and data-driven modes
of operation. Against the background of this historical divergence,
this lecture will present the work of the Center for Urban Pedagogy
(CUP) as an investigation into some possible uses of representation

Monday, March 26, 6 - 8 pm
Higgins Hall Auditorium, Brooklyn Campus
Pratt Institute School of Architecture
61 St. James Place
New York, NY 11205
G to Clinton-Washington


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